Charles Spurgeon, a pastor and Bible scholar, once said of John Bunyan, who authored The Pilgrim’s Progress,
“Read anything of his, and you will see that it is almost like reading the Bible itself…Prick him anywhere—his blood is Bibline, the very essence of the Bible flows from him.”1
As believers in Christ, we long for God’s Word. We resonate with the truth of Moses’ words about the law to the people of Israel: “For it is not an idle word for you; indeed it is your life” (Deuteronomy 32:7, emphasis added). And Peter’s affirmation of Jesus’ person and teachings thrills our hearts: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life” (John 6:68).
Yet despite our hunger for God’s Word, we often fall short of consistent, deep, and fulfilling Bible study. Sometimes, other commitments get in the way—and other times, we just aren’t sure how to get into the habit of regular and purposeful Bible study.
It’s true that your current life situation impacts what Bible study looks like for you right now, and that’s okay! But whatever season you’re in, you can create a Bible study habit that works—and sticks.
Here are five ways to start establishing a Bible study rhythm today.
1. Pick a regular time and place to study.
When it comes to making something a habit, it goes without saying: consistency is key! Knowing exactly when and where you’ll seek God through His Word will help you establish a Bible study rhythm. Whether it’s a comfortable chair by a window in your house, your desk at work, or even your commute to the office, choose a time and place to study that you’ll come back to again and again.
Ideally, come to God’s Word at the same time each day, in a place where you can enjoy relative peace and quiet. While every day is different, and no one is perfect, committing to the same place and same time will help you develop a pattern of being in the Word to meet with the Lord.
2. Choose a Bible reading plan.
Ever sat down to study Scripture and realized you have no idea what passage to dig into, or even what book to choose? Having a Bible reading plan can ensure you’re never without direction when you begin your study time.
Looking for a simple reading plan you can begin today? Choose the chapter of Proverbs that matches the day of the month it is. For example, if it’s the 6th of the month, read chapter 6. Proverbs has 31 chapters, so you can read a chapter a day during many months of the year.
Looking to go deeper? Precept’s new study The Purpose of Prayer is organized into chapters that can be easily split up into chunks for daily study over a period of four to six weeks.
3. Involve your community.
When Paul visited the synagogue in Berea during his second missionary journey, he found a group of Jews excited about God’s Word. After hearing him present the gospel, they eagerly searched Scripture together daily to “to see whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11). As a result, many of them believed the gospel (Acts 17:12).
Understanding the valuable insights others bring to our study of the Bible, these Jews examined God’s Word as a team to better unpack the message of the gospel—and apply it to their lives.
By involving your community in your Bible study, you too can grow in knowing God deeply and living differently. This might look like participating in a group Bible study that meets once a week, starting a text thread with a few faithful friends where you can discuss your discoveries, or being intentional about meeting a friend or two for coffee to share your Bible study questions and insights.
However you choose to involve your community, discovering truth for yourself—but not by yourself—will help you establish a Bible study rhythm that is fun and consistent.
4. Pray throughout your Bible study time.
Prayer transforms Bible study from a merely academic exercise to an exciting opportunity to commune with God through knowing His Word. As you uncover truth in Scripture, talking to God about what He reveals to you shifts your discoveries from your head to your heart.
You might be wondering, “How do I actually do that?” Here are a few tips.
- Pray as you open God’s Word. A simple prayer like, “God, open my eyes and heart to Your truth,” can help you focus on what you’re about to study—and seek to let it transform you inside and out.
- Pray when you encounter a confusing word, verse, or passage. Ask God to help you grow in your understanding and intimacy with Him.
- Pray if you feel convicted. Don’t let the moment pass you by! Stop and thank God for His Holy Spirit working in your heart through His Word—and ask for His strength and grace to live differently in light of the Word.
5. Ask questions of the text.
At Precept, we love the 5 W’s and an H: who, what, when, where, why, and how? By positioning the text as a witness and you as an interrogator, these questions help you dig into the text you’re studying to get “the whole story.” Just by learning to slow down and observe the passage you’re in more closely, you can glean insights that deepen your understanding of Scripture—and draw you closer to God.
And once you’ve begun to uncover truth for yourself, you’ll grow in excitement about God’s Word and keep coming back for more, helping you establish a study habit that sticks.
Every Precept Bible study uses the 5 W’s and an H as a foundation. Explore our studies and start discovering truth for yourself today!
Getting into the Habit—to Get Closer to God
Like Spurgeon said of John Bunyan, we all want to “bleed” the Bible. We all want the words of the psalmist to be true of us:
"I shall delight in Your commandments,
Which I love.
And I shall lift up my hands to Your commandments,
Which I love;
And I will meditate on Your statutes."
Psalm 119:47-48
While developing a habit of Bible study takes time and diligence, by incorporating these five simple practices you’ll be well on your way to establishing a rhythm that consistently gets you in God’s Word, so you can draw closer to God.