Precept Leader Training Registration

Step One

Please prayerfully read and agree to the Terms of Leadership.


The Bible is clear that Christians in leadership should be above reproach and should be well respected by their church community. In light of this, please read and prayerfully consider the following statements to evaluate your readiness to lead before submitting your registration:

  • I have read and agree with Precept's doctrinal statement.
  • I understand that a Precept Bible Study Leader should be called and willing to lead discussions.
  • I understand that Precept studies may require up to 5 hours a week of study and 1-2 hours additional prep time to lead. I have considered my other commitments (community, work, family schedule, etc.) and believe I have adequate time to lead.
  • I understand that my first responsibility as a Christian leader is to my family. I affirm that leading a Precept Bible Study will not interfere with my ability to meet my family's needs.
  • I understand that Precept Bible Study Leaders should be above reproach in their personal and professional lives. I am not engaged in any personal or professional activities that conflict with the Word of God.
  • I understand that Precept encourages Leaders to be actively involved in a local church and to make every effort to host their Bible study groups in partnership with the local church. I am active in my local church and leading a Precept study will not create conflict with my church leadership.

By signing up for marketing emails, you’ll receive news about groups, event invitations, testimonies, how to get more training, as well as new product releases. By not signing up, you may miss out on important information.

50% complete

Step Two

Precept would love to let your Pastor know the steps you are taking to grow as a Leader!

When you provide your pastor’s name and email, Precept will connect with him/her to share that one of their members is walking through an in-depth Bible Study training program so they can encourage you as you’re learning to lead!

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