In the next 40 years, four out of ten Christians worldwide will live in sub-Saharan Africa.
Christianity is sweeping across Africa, and these new believers are among the most dedicated in the world. The growing body of believers is actively discipling their communities for Christ—and God is using Precept™ studies to help in this work.
For Christians in countries like Uganda, Nigeria, and Ethiopia, God has used Precept training and resources to strengthen their faith and soften their hearts to His truth, regardless of their circumstances or surroundings.
Uganda: Bringing Hope to Refugees
Sunlight poured down over the tin-roofed church, heating the air inside like an oven. The heat became distracting, and eventually, the group inside packed up their Bibles, study materials, and colorful plastic chairs. Under the shade of nearby trees, they opened their books and continued discussing God’s Word.
At the beginning of the year, 43 pastors and church leaders from South Sudanese refugee camps gathered in Uganda for the first semester of the 2019 Precept Africa Pastors Institute. An intense, three-year program, the Institute requires students to complete three two-week sessions each year where they study Scripture using the Precept Bible Study Method.
At the beginning of the year, 43 pastors and church leaders from South Sudanese refugee camps gathered in Uganda for the first semester of the 2019 Precept Africa Pastors Institute.
Even away from the camps, extreme poverty and threat of disease create an atmosphere of hopelessness and anxiety. But in God’s Word, believers are finding a living hope.
The leaders who attended the Institute are focused on making disciples throughout Africa’s refugee camps, and after the training, each pastor started Bible study groups in their churches and communities.
As they worked through Lord, I Want to Know You, the group came face-to-face with the sovereignty of God. In Africa, Satan and dark forces are sometimes considered more powerful than God—learning that God is ultimately sovereign and will one day destroy evil was “mind-blowing,” and it transformed the way they saw their world.
But in God’s Word, believers are finding a living hope.
Newly trained and equipped with study resources, the leaders returned to their camps filled with zeal and empowered to transform their communities for Christ.
Nigeria: Studying Scripture by Moonlight
A group of Christians in Nigeria will do anything to study Scripture—even if that means meeting at midnight.
The members of Christ Foundation Church wanted their leaders trained in the Precept Bible Study Method. Unfortunately, the only time they were able to meet was between 10:00 PM and 3:00 AM, during the darkest hours of the night. This didn’t dampen their enthusiasm, and a local Precept instructor agreed to lead the training.
During the workshop, the group learned the basics of Precept’s Bible Study Method and how to use a 40-Minute study. The leaders worked through Fatal Distractions: Conquering Destructive Temptations, and 16 people attended the workshop.
Unfortunately, the only time they were able to meet was between 10:00 PM and 3:00 AM, during the darkest hours of the night. This didn’t dampen their enthusiasm, and a local Precept instructor agreed to lead the training.
The adults sat in circles and discussed the lesson together, their children sleeping on the floor beside them. Some children participated alongside the adults, expanding the reach of the training.
Now, Christ Foundation Church is using Precept studies in all 16 of their small groups. Because they were willing to sacrifice their sleep and energy for the sake of knowing Scripture, roughly 200 people are engaging with God through His Word!
Ethiopia: Extending a Radical Forgiveness
When people know God through studying His Word, lives change. For Almaze, encountering God’s truth and character prompted her to do something she hadn’t thought was possible—it allowed her to forgive.
Almaze is a member of the Kolfe Gunet Church Ladies Group in central Ethiopia. She and the other women asked a local Precept instructor to lead a training workshop based on the 40-Minute study Forgiveness: Breaking the Power of the Past. Over the course of three Saturdays, the Holy Spirit began to speak to them.
For Almaze, encountering God’s truth and character prompted her to do something she hadn’t thought was possible—it allowed her to forgive.
During the second week of training, Almaze stood up to give her testimony. She said she was mourning for her son, who had died after being hit by a car. After the accident, the person driving the car disappeared, leaving her without closure or justice.
As she worked through the study, Almaze realized she could forgive this person. God had touched her heart, showing her where it was hard and unyielding. With His help, Almaze was able to let go of bitterness, and she asked the group to stop and pray for the man and his salvation.
Such radical forgiveness is only possible by God’s grace. Through Almaze’s testimony of forgiveness and healing, the entire group was moved and challenged. Since then, they have used Precept resources in their study groups. Through their witness, women throughout their community are being reached for Christ and drawn to His Word.
Such radical forgiveness is only possible by God’s grace. Through Almaze’s testimony of forgiveness and healing, the entire group was moved and challenged.
Join with us in celebration—God is moving through refugee camps in Uganda, midnight studies in Nigeria, women’s groups in Ethiopia, and across all of Africa! Through faithful partners like you, God’s Word is changing lives around the world. Thank you for continuing to support His kingdom work!