Through His Word, God is changing the world—one neighborhood at a time. As we reflect on all God has done throughout the year, we want to share stories of believers serving His kingdom in all contexts and situations.
Tatiana’s Story—Experiencing God’s Love
Although Tatiana grew up attending church with her family in Peru, she did not truly believe in God until He miraculously healed her of a heart condition when she was 13. Over the next several years, she experienced ups and downs in her faith. She longed for stability in her relationship with God.
Then, her boyfriend showed her a Facebook ad for Precept™ Bible studies. At first, the Precept Bible Study Method seemed strange to Tatiana. “I had never heard of such a thing, but I decided to explore it along with my boyfriend…we didn’t know that God was going to bless us in such a wonderful way through His Word.”
“Thanks to this workshop and the Precept Bible Study Method, I am learning again about God’s love.”
As Tatiana dove into the study of Scripture, her relationship with God began to change. “Thanks to this workshop and the Precept Bible Study Method, I am learning again about God’s love…Now that I am recovering my identity in God, He has touched my heart several times, and my heart is full of joy every time I dig into His Word using Precept’s Bible Study Method.”
Before Tatiana knew Scripture, she didn’t truly know the depth of our God’s love.
KC’s Story—Strength in Tragedy
During hard seasons, it can be difficult to hear the voice of God. But when we are rooted in His Word, we can find the strength and peace we need to persevere. God is using Precept to bring hope to people around the world—people like KC in southern Asia.
Although KC has a degree in theology, he wasn’t taught how to thoroughly study the Bible. But that changed when he discovered the Precept Bible Study Method in 2006. As he dove into Scripture, KC realized faith was more than learning from other teachers. It was about building a personal relationship with God through His Word and listening to what He was saying.

“[This method] of studying the Bible is not for a degree or any diploma. It is for our life… it speaks to us, because the Holy Spirit who authors [the Bible] helps us see what is written. And that opens our eyes.”
As he dove into Scripture, KC realized faith was more than learning from other teachers. It was about building a personal relationship with God through His Word and listening to what He was saying.
In 2016, tragedy suddenly entered KC’s life when his wife was diagnosed with cancer. It felt like everything was over—KC battled intense despair as he dealt with his wife’s prognosis. But in his pain and grief, he remembered what he knew of God through Scripture, that He is a God of grace and power. KC and his family turned to the Bible, and in its pages, they found the strength they needed to endure suffering with joy.
KC sent a special message for givers to Precept: “I want to thank you, but really I thank God for inviting you to support this ministry, for providing the materials for people [across Asia] in their native languages. Because of your prayer and support, this has taken place.”
Jack’s Story—The Call to Leadership
When Jack attended an EQUIP Student Boot Camp this summer, he felt called by God in a way he had never experienced before.
“I felt like God was telling me that I need to stand up and be a leader in my school. I got the 40-Minute study on leadership, and I plan on doing it with a few of my friends.”
All it takes is one leader to spark change—when youth are empowered to lead for Christ, entire communities can be transformed.
Beyond feeling called and equipped to become a leader in his community, Jack also deepened His relationship with God. “I would definitely come back to camp because it was an awesome experience to grow in my relationship with Christ.”

Through Boot Camp, Jack grew into a confident and excited leader who had the training he needed to start his own Bible study group. All it takes is one leader to spark change—when youth are empowered to lead for Christ, entire communities can be transformed.
Nigeria—Over 165 Students Studying Scripture
Nigerians live under threat. Although the terrorist group Boko Haram only controls small villages and isolated sections of countryside, a recent shift in tactics has made the group once again a threat to the entire country. Many young people live under the shadow of this evil.
Despite the risk, Precept Leaders in Nigeria are boldly spreading the hope and truth of God’s Word. This year, the Nigerian Precept team organized a youth conference using the 40-Minute study What Does The Bible Say About Sex? Over 180 young people from various schools and churches attended the conference!

During the event, the youth were given an opportunity to surrender to Christ, and 11 students openly committed their lives to God! By the end of the conference, some of the young people formed Bible study groups to continue learning from God’s Word. Over 165 students signed up to attend these groups!
By the end of the conference, some of the young people formed Bible study groups to continue learning from God’s Word. Over 165 students signed up to attend these groups!
Through just one conference, almost two hundred students explored God’s truth through His Word. And when they were equipped to study Scripture, these young believers couldn’t get enough.

Brandie’s Story—Equipped to Lead
Brandie didn’t think she was cut out to be a leader. She loved the immersive method and deep community of Precept studies, but when her leader approached her about leading a class, she responded “No way—I can’t do what they do!”
But once she saw one of her classmates go to a Precept Leader Training, the thought of becoming a leader felt more accessible. Mustering up all of her courage, she signed up for a training weekend—and it wasn’t at all what she expected.

“The most unexpected thing from training was probably the support that Precept has for their leaders and their love for the Lord,” she writes. Throughout the weekend, she was taught and encouraged by the Precept team and her fellow classmates. By the end of the training, she felt transformed—confident, equipped, and ready to start her own study.
“God will grow and stretch you in ways you haven’t imagined. His plans are good, and He is faithful to His Word and to His people. Press on—there truly isn’t anything else more valuable in this life [than knowing Him and His Word]!”
She had this word of encouragement for new Precept students: “God will grow and stretch you in ways you haven’t imagined. His plans are good, and He is faithful to His Word and to His people. Press on—there truly isn’t anything else more valuable in this life [than knowing Him and His Word]!”
Caroline’s Story—Renewed Excitement About Faith
Our young people face unending distractions from their faith. From social media to an increasingly post-modern culture, many students can struggle with spiritual numbness.
Caroline was one of these students. Before coming to an EQUIP Summer Boot Camp this year, Caroline says she didn’t know what it meant to really study God’s Word. But attending Camp and studying Scripture did more than grow her knowledge about God—it rekindled a desire to be with God through His Word.
“Without Boot Camp…my desire to learn the Word of God would be almost nonexistent, without the Lord working through camp to stir that up in me.” Because Caroline got the training she needed, she has a deep, genuine relationship with God through knowing His Word.
Cole’s Story—A Transformative Summer
When Cole was accepted into Precept’s ENGAGE summer internship, he expected to spend a lot of time counseling young students at summer camp. He didn’t expect to be poured into and discipled by other brothers and sisters in Christ.

“Something that surprised me about the internship was how much we as interns were poured into—for our personal lives and relationship with the Lord, but also equipping us to go home.”
During the summer at Precept, Cole grew in his confidence as a leader, and he left with a clear purpose for the next year. “[When I return home,] I want to invest in young men. I want to invest in their life and come alongside them and disciple them, as well as say ‘This is God’s Word, and this is how the Lord speaks to you.’”
“Something that surprised me about the internship was how much we as interns were poured into—for our personal lives and relationship with the Lord, but also equipping us to go home.”
Because Cole was discipled by believers who immerse themselves in Scripture, he is now able to pour out into others.
Canada—The Impact of Two Young Precept Leaders
Two of the new Precept leaders trained in 2019 are teenage sisters. Born in Haiti, they were adopted by a Canadian family when they were very young. From an early age, the girls felt intimidated by God—did He truly love them? Could they trust Him as their Father?
God met them in their doubts and insecurities. They grew to know Him, and their faith deepened. Feeling called to start a Bible study in their community, they registered for Precept Leader Training.
After the training, the girls felt equipped and excited to start their own study. But new fears crept in—would anyone even show up to their group?
But God had a plan. The first week of the study, more than 10 girls came to dive into God’s Word together! They had to use two tables to make room for everyone who showed up! When they took the plunge to become Precept leaders, the sisters discovered that God is faithful to those He calls.
Cuba—Training Institutes Are Changing Lives
Cuba is experiencing a religious revival. Surrounded by political upheaval and censorship, house churches are thriving, and the number of Cuban Christians rises each year.
In the midst of the revival, Cuban Precept leaders have founded a Training Institute to equip leaders to disciple the new Christians in their communities. The program is three years long, and in between each two-week session, the students are required to go out and start their own Bible study in their neighborhoods.
M is just one of the people impacted by the Institute. Before she knew God’s Word, she often felt like she didn’t need God.
“For many years, I refused to serve the Lord. I had a good job, good salary, and everything I needed for life,” she says. “God convicted me to give up my job and decide to serve Him. [Today,] I obey Him and I follow Him. As I study Lord, I Want to Know You, I have discovered His name is a strong tower, and I want to run to Him and trust His provision for me and my family every day.” When she went to Scripture, M understood just how much she needed God, and how much He wanted her to know Him.
“As I study Lord, I Want to Know You, I have discovered His name is a strong tower, and I want to run to Him and trust His provision for me and my family every day.”
The Precept team in Cuba is working non-stop to meet their country’s spiritual need, and you can be a part of what God is accomplishing in Cuba and around the world.