In 1951, the official census reported no Christians living in Nepal.
In 2011, there were almost 376,000.
With a landscape marked by sharp mountain peaks, domed shrines, and drifting prayer flags, Nepal has deep Hindu and Buddhist roots. But Nepal also has one of the world’s fastest-growing Christian populations—every year, more people turn to Christ for salvation.
1951, the official census reported no Christians living in Nepal. In 2011, there were almost 376,000.
Although the Nepali church is expanding, new Christians are often met with hostility. In 2017, the country’s communist government banned religious conversion and evangelism, increasing the pressure on Christians. However, the gospel is still spreading. Believers across Nepal are finding assurance in God’s Word, and Precept™ studies are helping them engage deeply with Scripture.
Children’s Ministry in Central Nepal
At a church in central Nepal, men and women sat together on green carpet. Sunlight filled the room from tall windows in blue and orange walls, and every head was bent over a Bible and a Precept study.
During the spring, over 31 teachers from seven churches attended a Precept training seminar for Sunday school teachers. This was the second training offered in the region—last year, a similar seminar was held in a nearby town.
But Nepal also has one of the world’s fastest-growing Christian populations—every year, more people turn to Christ for salvation.
At the beginning of this spring’s training, a pastor shared his testimony. He said that before last year’s seminar his church hadn’t offered any Sunday school classes. However, after attending the training, he felt equipped to start a children’s program. Children have flocked to the classes, and he is working to spread the Precept Bible Study Method to other churches in Nepal.
One woman, Meena, was determined to attend this spring’s training. She left her two-year-old son with relatives and convinced five friends from different churches to come with her. The women said that their churches would sing and read from the Bible during Sunday school, but the programs lacked structure. The Precept training “opened their eyes”—they saw “that the children need much more, they need to be taught from the Word of God deeply.”
After the seminar, Meena and her friends bought books for their students, and they are excited to bring the Precept method to their churches.
From Confusion to Confidence: Prasansha’s Story
Last year, Prasansha stepped into a church for the first time. That Sunday, church leaders forced her to convert and be baptized. The experience left her distraught, confused, and filled with questions about Christianity and her personal faith.
Eventually, her pain and confusion led her to consider suicide—she didn’t know where to turn.
One morning, she met Niranjan, a local pastor who teaches the Precept Bible Study Method. He invited her to a Precept study. Prasansha accepted his invitation, and she was hooked by the first class.
God gave us His Word so we could know Him. When we study Scripture, we directly encounter God’s truth and the hope of the gospel. For Prasansha, Scripture provided the answers she desperately needed about God, His love, and her faith.
Prasansha kept coming back to the small group, and now she attends a Precept Bible study regularly. She says that through studying God’s Word, she has a stronger faith, her confusion disappeared, and her “life totally changed.”
God gave us His Word so we could know Him. When we study Scripture, we directly encounter God’s truth and the hope of the gospel. For Prasansha, Scripture provided the answers she desperately needed about God, His love, and her faith. Now, she has clarity and confidence in her salvation!
Your Partnership Supports God’s Global Kingdom
God is doing incredible things in Nepal—from children’s programs to individuals in small groups, Scripture is drawing more and more people to His heart.
Through your faithful partnership, God’s kingdom is expanding. Thank you for continuing to contribute to God’s global mission!