Often, it’s hard to visualize our impact.
When you’re removed from the “front lines” of ministry, it can feel difficult to connect with the real lives you are helping with your giving. Today, we wanted to give you a snapshot of your impact on South America . . . in particular, the impact Precept—through your support—has had on one small, remote community in the Andes.
“God is there.”
The Andahuaylas region of Peru is marked by mountains.
Surrounded by clear lakes, terraced slopes and plains, and the ancient peaks of the Andes, the area is home to many indigenous Quechua villages—including the Huanpica community.
Remote and rural (it is a 23-hour bus ride away from the capital), Huanpica is not the first place you would expect to find Bible study groups. But 98% of the population are believers, largely because of the ministry of one man—Pastor Ortiz, a trained Precept Leader.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Peru last year, many isolated communities in the Andahuaylas region were initially protected from infection. However, cases began to hit this April, and before long, nearly all the 130 families in Huanpica contracted the virus.
COVID-19 quickly spread to neighboring communities, and people started dying. But the people of Huanpica refused to be shaken. They gathered in their church and poured over Scripture through inductive Bible study, relying on God’s Word for hope and strength. And as they studied, an incredible thing happened: People started getting better, and no one died in Huanpica.
Nearby villages were stunned. What was different about the people in Huanpica to give them such joy and confidence? Families have started moving to the village, because they say, “God is there.”

As a partner with Precept, you are the spark powering this kind of impact. Your giving supports the training and Bible study resources that the people in Huanpica used to draw close to God during an unprecedented time. And because of their testimony, people across the region are discovering the God of Scripture.
That is the definition of eternal impact.