In the mountainous regions of Peru, the Quechua people are hungry to study God’s Word. So hungry that some traveled to attend a recent Precept training workshop on horseback, even though the trip took three hours. At another workshop held this year, some attendees also traveled three hours to participate—but they arrived on foot!
It can be hard to picture the impact you have as a Precept giver on believers across the globe. Here’s a small glimpse of the life-change you’re a part of when you give to Precept!

Among the Quechua people, syncretism between traditional folk religion and Christian elements is common. Although Quechuas generally consider themselves Roman Catholic, many do not own Bibles and only have access to the Bible’s teaching through radio programs.
Praise God, with your support, Precept leaders are faithfully sharing God’s Word with hundreds of Quechua people!

At a Precept workshop recently, some attendees, though blind, nonetheless listened intently to the Word as it was taught. Others, who were illiterate, needed extra support from friends to study, but were still able to search Scripture to know God more deeply!
At the end of one workshop, several people received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Your generosity is spreading God’s Word far and wide and transforming lives with the power of the gospel!

Your support is making an eternal difference in the lives of these real people in Peru—thank you! Please consider giving a gift so more people around the world can receive the tools, support, and community they need to read and understand God’s Word for themselves.
Change someone’s life—partner with Precept today!