Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
—James 1:27, ESV
Our God cares about the marginalized. James says that caring for the most vulnerable, the widows and orphans, should be a critical element of our faith. In the Old Testament, the psalmist describes God as the “father of the fatherless and protector of widows” (Psalm 68:5).
God remembers the people the world forgets, and He calls His people to do the same. In Romania, Precept teams are taking God’s Word literally—they are bringing the truth and hope of Scripture to widows across the country.
Bringing Hope to the Hopeless
Every year, Precept leaders in Romania organize a camp for widows from various churches throughout the region. This year, the camp explored the question, “What does the Bible say about widows?” and the women worked through the study Lord, Where Are You When Bad Things Happen?
As the women turned to Scripture, a spirit of comfort and encouragement filled the camp. Women who had lost their husbands just months earlier studied and prayed alongside women who had been widows for decades. They all came with a desire to know God and His Word, to find fellowship, and to be encouraged.
During the camp, women began to share stories about how God’s Word was working in their lives. Here are a few of the testimonies of God’s healing.
In Romania, Precept teams are taking God’s Word literally—they are bringing the truth and hope of Scripture to widows across the country.
Elena is a young widow, and she came to camp filled with discouragement and confused about her salvation. During the camp, God touched her heart and revealed her identity as His daughter. She says:
“After the study, I received understanding of who God is and started to understand who I am… God spoke to me very clearly that I need to make a commitment to the local church and receive baptism. I want to love God with all my heart, to be the mother He wants me to be, and to be ready to respond to His call for service in every opportunity He may offer me.”
A public school principal, Veronica came to Christ after hearing testimonies of Christian children in her school. Soon after, her life changed dramatically—she lost her job and her husband within a few months.
“I came [to camp] discouraged, for my trials are many. Here God spoke so real to me as we studied Lord, Where Are You When Bad Things Happen? I was encouraged to pray, to trust Him, and to be grateful that He is aware of my situation and circumstances. I realized He is always with me. I want to keep His Word, serve in prayer ministry, visit the sick and widowed, and be sensitive to His direction in my life.”
When she was pregnant with her seventh child, Luminitza tragically lost her husband, a pastor of a local church. Boldly, she continued her husband’s ministry, even as she raised her children as a single mother. She explains that Scripture has been her foundation during seasons of pain and trial.
“What keeps me strong is that from the beginning, I discovered Precept studies that helped me sustain myself. Every time I come to this [camp], it is like God revives me, strengthens me, and helps me to trust Him in my trials and circumstances. This time, the Lord told me not to murmur and complain because He is always present, and He allows trials according to His plan. I asked God to forgive me for the times I complained. I will never forget this wonderful time to study, to pray, to have fellowship. Here I feel a heavenly atmosphere.”
For many years, Helen did not understand why the Lord allowed her 19-year-old daughter to be hit and killed by a car driven by a Christian. In following years, she lost her husband and watched another child rebel and walk away from the faith. Despite the pain of her circumstances, Helen found healing in Scripture.
“At this camp, God comforted me as a widow for all the things that have happened in my life. I can feel the power of the Word to comfort my heart, to change my mind, and to give me healing. This time in the Word, in fellowship, and in prayer will remain deeply seated in my heart. How grateful I am for the way the Lord answered my questions in this Bible study!”
Your Support Impacts People in Pain around the World
God is using Precept leaders and studies to touch hearts across Romania. For women like Elena, Veronica, Luminitza, and Helen, Scripture is a source of radical peace and deep healing.
Through your faithful partnership, God’s Word is bringing hope to those in pain. Thank you for continuing to support His global work!