When one of the minibuses belonging to a South African primary school was in a head-on collision with a truck that killed 21, including 19 children, the tragic accident made national news—and it rocked the entire school and wider community.
One third-grade teacher, Corlia, whose students lost siblings, friends, and neighbors in the crash, was especially grieved and burdened. She wanted to minister to her students and help them encounter God through Scripture—but she wasn’t sure where to start.
She explains, “I knew that, one day, I will stand before the Judge of all the earth with the blood of all these children on my hands. And this idea terrified me—it still does—because I felt like I was failing tremendously.”

Despite her desire to teach and disciple her students through God’s Word, the Bible study lessons that Corlia tried to incorporate in her classroom prior to Precept “had very little lasting effect” on them.
In a world and community that had fallen away from the truth that “God is the One who made the world, us, and everything in it,” Corlia wanted her students to know “that this same God is the One who is in control of all these things happening to and around us—even the horrific accident that happened and the lives that have been lost.”
Spiritually revived through a “Precepts for Life” study on Jeremiah the year prior, Corlia knew firsthand that the key to a deepening relationship with God is studying His Word. She believed that since this had been her experience, the same life-change was possible for her students—and she was right.
I see the difference that studying the Bible for themselves is having on the children’s lives and in what they believe! They now know, without a doubt, that “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”! It has given the children a way of inquiring about a lot of other things and given me a doorway to discussing things about God and the world with these children, which I never had before and for which I am truly grateful.
So many people just like Corlia have a desire to know God deeply and disciple others, but they lack the tools, resources, and community they need to read and understand God’s Word for themselves. That’s why, for over 50 years, Precept’s vision has been to equip every believer in Christ to live out God’s Word every day. We want everyone to have the opportunity to make an eternal impact.
That’s where you come in! When you give to Precept, you’re helping provide Bible study resources to believers all around the world. You’re also helping train Bible study leaders in dozens of countries so they can lead their communities in studying God’s Word. And ultimately, you’re helping transform the world we live in as day after day, believers in Christ know God more deeply and live differently.
Help believers like Corlia make a difference that lasts by becoming a Precept partner—give today!